Food Adventures of a Comfort Cook

“Good day sunshine. I need to laugh, and when the sun is out. I’ve got something I can laugh about. I feel good, in a special way. I’m in love and it’s a sunny day.” (Good Day Sunshine – The Beatles) It’s June, the sun is shining, and a cool breeze drifts down from the mountains. Soon the summer...
Why did the chicken cross the road? While many will answer with “to get to the other side,” it might actually be to save its own life. Think about it: Someone is usually trying to put a rotisserie spit up that poor chicken’s butt. Or there’s the crazy guy attempting to choke it behind the barn...
According to the calendar, the season of spring began on March 19 this year, a day earlier than usual, and in a leap year as well. Overall, the year 2020 has been a challenge for its first four months, and we’re all wondering where the reset button is. Weatherwise, many states, including Utah,...
Day 10, or is it 11? 12? I have lost count, of quarantine. Once again I’ve been asked to share a homemade meal I posted on Facebook. With my husband being an “essential” employee, we worry daily if he will become infected. So I am sorry. As much as I want to say “yes” to sharing, I do not know how...
What dessert is called a pie, but is truly a cake? The answer is Boston Cream Pie, which is actually a cake that had its layers baked in pie tins known as “Washington Pie Plates.” This delectable dessert was created by French Chef Sanzian to commemorate the opening of the Parker House Hotel in 1856...
With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, what better way to honor the Irish then to write about the potato? The potato was first domesticated in an area of South America, which is now known as Peru and Bolivia, between 8000 and 5000 B.C. It makes sense that it traveled upwards into Mexico...
FOOD ADVENTURES OF A COMFORT COOK Oh puffy, puff,  Full of whippy stuff, How do I love thee? Let me count and see. Crispy, yet light, Oh such a lovely sight, Pudding and cream, Floating sugar a dream. When it comes to spontaneous poetry, I am not your go-to gal. However, when it comes to, “What...
FOOD ADVENTURES OF A COMFORT COOK Late one June afternoon, a gentleman from Moab named Sam made my acquaintance. He asked me about living in Monticello and the types of businesses that are in town. But most importantly, he asked about the restaurants in Monticello. Then he asked me, “What kind of...
FOOD ADVENTURES There I was, scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, attempting to find posts of interest, share a positive quote or two, the heart-toughing moment of an animal being rescued, and enjoy that post that gives you laughter right from the belly.   Of course, I enjoy reading the foodie...
Recently, retired San Juan County Sheriff Cal Dean Black found himself on the other side of the interrogation table and having his mug shot taken as well. “Alright Black, give us the goods on this catering business, and no holding back on the sauce.” As Cal’s daughters, Alyssa and Sierra are...


San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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