
by David Boyle News Director The San Juan School Board approved an entryway expansion at San Juan High, applied for Impact Aid funding, and made history with the swearing-in of the first majority Native American board in the district at their January 22 meeting. Board members elected in 2024...
Clint Behunin (right) speaks with a USU Blanding student. Behunin was awarded the lecturer of the year in the Communication Studies and Philosophy department at USU Blanding. Courtesy photo
Clinton Behunin, a lecturer in the Communication Studies and Philosophy department at Utah State University Blanding, has been named the department’s Lecturer of the Year. Behunin, who has been a lecturer at USU Blanding since 2015, is now a finalist for the College of Humanities and Social...
USU Blanding recently introduced a new composition course in an effort to support students seeking to enhance their confidence as readers and writers.  Courtesy photo
by Andrea DeHaan USU Communications Ed. Utah State University has introduced a new composition course, ENGL 1050, at its Blanding campus to support students seeking to enhance their confidence as readers and writers. First offered in fall 2024, this course represents a significant step in bridging...
Fourth grade student Wake Einerson (left) is the Spelling Bee champion at Blanding Elementary School. Fifth grader students Emma Sampson and Corinne Lyman (center and right) finished in second and third place. These champion spellers will represent Blanding Elementary in the San Juan School...
Utah State University Extension recently received the Rural Education Partner of the Year Award from the Rural Health Association of Utah (RHAU). The award recognizes the educational opportunities USU Extension provides in rural areas of Utah and its work to combat the rising trend of youth e-...
by Tyrel Pemberton San Juan School District Business Administrator The San Juan School District, encompassing a vast 7,800 square miles, faces unique financial challenges due to the presence of tax-exempt federal land within its boundaries. This is where the Impact Aid program, a federal initiative...
by Marah Long Contributing writer For the first time ever, San Juan School District is piloting a new course that allows students to become certified as Basic Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). The class is taught in San Juan High School and broadcast to other schools around the county so anyone...
By Paul Murdock SJSD Special Education Director Regular school attendance is crucial for a child’s academic and social development. However, your child’s health should always be the top priority. If your child is ill, you can consider keeping them home from school to rest and recover. This not...
by David Boyle News Director Members of the San Juan School Board heard from educators about the Utah Fits All scholarship program, approved next year’s school calendar and recognized the service of three outgoing school board members at their latest meeting. Members of the school board also did...
Members of the cast include: (top row, left to right) Ally Wheeler, Dani Black, Maron Freestone, Alexis Bailey, Carter Francom, Ryan Lewis, Dalton Adams, Emma Wheeler, Lay Petersen, Elise Taylor, McKay Nielson. 	Middle: Jade Mechum, Karli Suttlemyre, Murryn Suttlemyre, Addi Long, Orion Sparks. Bottom: Miles Coleman, Hyrum Vess, Sophia Anderson. Not pictured: Coral Delorenzis. Courtesy photo
by Sally Jack Contributing Writer The Monticello High School Drama Department presents Irving Berlin’s White Christmas Monday, December 9; Wednesday, December 11; and Thursday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the MHS auditorium. Tickets may be purchased at the door and are $6 for adults, $4 for...


San Juan Record

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