Do Thanksgiving leftovers stocked in the refrigerator, and the thought of one more cold turkey sandwich make you wince a bit?
Now this scenario might not be an issue in your home, but for others it is as they want the leftovers gone now!
Many, like myself, clean off most of the the meat and...
When it comes right down to it, purely homemade tends to taste so much better than premade, packaged, and store bought.
The majority of products are geared towards those of us who are alone such as canned meals to plop into a saucepan and heat up on a stove top. Or frozen boxed meals that pop into...
In October, we were subjugated to Mother Nature experiencing the indecisive phase of menopause.
It started seasonably warm during the day and comfortably cool for good sleeping nights. That was her version of sleeping with one leg outside of the blankets.
Suddenly, it became so cold that snow...
With Halloween and All Souls Day just around the calendar’s corner, creating a dessert to honor those who have passed on, would be an idea.
Yes, flowers can be placed on gravesites, maybe some prayers and kind words said, but what about celebrating with the souls?
In Indonesian, dead relatives...
“If a crumble is crumbly from being all fallen apart, why is a cobbler not looking as if created by an elf cobbler’s heart?
“A baker’s mind decides what part topping and fruit play while hands diligently portray an artful display.
“Mix in spices of cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom,and cloves. As...
I have been seeing many references to the “BER months are here!” That of course means the last four months of the year: September, October, November and December.
Why do these months have the same ending? Well, in ancient Rome, the calendar had only ten months, all named after various gods or...
When I wrote about Hoisin sauce, I promised to share a recipe for making fried rice.
Fried rice is exactly as named. The rice, whether cooked or raw, is “toasted” or fried in oil before mixing in additional ingredients. The rich brown color comes from the addition of soy sauce which flavors as...
Several weeks ago, I received a tropical fruit gift basket, and one item included was a coconut.
My first reaction upon seeing it was, “What the heck am I supposed to do with that!?!”
I had never worked with a real coconut before, just the bagged shredded coconut you get in the supermarket. On...
It is 1935. Indiana Jones, his orphaned sidekick Short Round, and nightclub singer, Willie Scott, have just escaped Shanghai via cargo plane.
Being forced to “jump ship” over northern India, the trio make their way to a palace. They are treated most respectfully and asked to dine with the young...
The first time I experienced Hoisin sauce, or should I say knowingly had it, was at a Chinese restaurant in New York City’s Chinatown.
Ever seen a photo of a huge round table, with an almost-as-huge turntable in the center? Many platters and bowls of food sit upon it, and, as it is turned, diners...