Time is getting short for the Buckaroo Roundup in July

Buckaroo alumni will gather at Monticello High School in three weeks, on Friday, July 22 to begin the much-anticipated Third Buckaroo Alumni Roundup.
A caterer will provide a meal at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 23 at the Guest Ranch. His two main dish offerings are steak and chicken. We need a final count on paid attendees no later than Monday, July 18. That means we need to summarize our count by Sunday, July 17.
At 7 p.m. on Friday evening, July 22, we will be at the MHS auditorium for a program which will include entertainment and recognitions. Linda Lewis to be the Chair for this event. She is working with Jim Muhlestein to put together good entertainment.
They are looking for good Buckaroo talent to include in that program.
A number of Buckaroos are registering to attend the Roundup by paying the $25 per person registration fee. However, some of them are not joining the association by paying the annual membership fee of $20.
To perpetuate this organization, we must have funds. It is not fair for those who work hard to make sure the Alumni Association continues viable to have to continually come out-of-pocket. They are devoting countless hours pro-bono, but expenses should be paid by the Association.
A key element of the Roundup is the Memorial Service at 8 a.m. at the Monticello Cemetery on Saturday, July 23.
Organizers hope to read of the names of every deceased Buckaroo from the Class of 1929 thru the Class of 2011.
The Deceased Buckaroo Roster will need the following information:
Class, Name, date and place of birth, date and place of death and place of interment. For example:
’58 Terry Kraft Lyman
Born 11 April 1940 at Moab, Utah
Died 24 November 1955 at Monticello, Utah
Interred at Monticello Utah Cemetery
The group is trying to assemble yearbooks for the Alumni Association Library. They are missing many years and appeal to Buckaroos to loan their book, which identify them as the owner to help complete the missing years.
If any classmates are willing to add your yearbook to this collection, please let us know the year and they can let you know if they need it.
Part of the concentration is to honor the classes from 1929 to 1949, since those classmates are leaving us at an alarming rate. They are looking for photos, stories, yearbooks and anything that will help them pay homage to the classmates of these 20 years.
Old photos can be copied and sent for inclusion in the records. Please encourage classmates to share.

San Juan Record

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Monticello, UT 84535

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