Statistics offer more information on the 2022 November election
By David Boyle
News Director
San Juan County Election results were unanimously certified by the county commissioners on Tuesday, November 22.
The results of the election include new faces to county government following a sweep by the local Republican party flipping the makeup of the county commission.
While precinct data is no longer defined by communities, some understanding of the election may be drawn from precinct data available.
Among the statistics available include voter turnout. In San Juan County 73.15-percent of registered voters participated in the 2020 election.
Voters in County Commission district one had the highest turnout. With 75-percent of the 2,669 registered voters casting ballots. Commission district three had 72.84-percent of the 2,946 registered voters casting ballots and commission district two had 71.39-percent of the 2,293 registered voters cast ballots.
In the closest race in the county, Republican Silvia Stubbs defeated incumbent Democrat Willie Grayeyes by 19 votes for Commission District #2. 820 ballots were cast for Stubbs while 801 ballots were cast for Grayeyes. The county report includes 16 undervotes, meaning 16 voters left the race blank when they turned in their ballots.
Commission District #2 is made up of three different precincts. Precincts 2-2, 2-3, and 2-5.
Precinct 2-2 mostly includes areas inside the city of Blanding. Precinct members cast 400 votes for 76.78 percent voter turnout. In precinct 2-2 Stubbs captured 87-percent of the 400 votes cast.
Precinct 2-3 includes parts of Blanding, White Mesa and the Mexican Hat area. Precinct members cast 324 votes for 73.14-percent voter turnout. In precinct 2-3 Stubbs captured 84-percent of the 322 votes cast with two voters not selecting a candidate in the race.
Precinct 2-5 includes some outskirts of Blanding as well as all of Halchita, Monument Valley and Navajo Mountain. Precinct members cast 913 voters for 68.7-percent voter turnout. In precinct 2-5 Grayeyes captured 77-percent of the 899 votes cast with 14 voters not selecting a candidate in the race.
In the other commission race in the county, Republican Jamie Harvey defeated Incumbent Democrat Kenneth Maryboy to represent commission district three. Harvey earned 60.3-percent of the 2,118 votes in the district.
Commission District #3 is made up of five precincts.
Precinct 3-1 includes the Eastland area. Precinct members cast 132 votes for 86-percent voter turnout. In precinct 3-1 Harvey captured 88-percent of the 131 votes with one overvote and three undervotes.
Precinct 3-2 is located in the Blanding area. Precinct members cast 100 votes for 80-percent voter turnout. In precinct 3-2 Harvey captured 98-percent of the 100 votes cast.
Precinct 3-3 includes south of Blanding, parts of Bluff, White Rocks, and a portion of Montezuma Creek. Precinct members cast 793 votes for 70.74-percent voter turnout. In precinct 3-3 Maryboy captured 51-percent of the 781 votes cast with 12 undervotes.
Precinct 3-4 includes all of Aneth as well as most of Montezuma Creek and some farmland on the east side of the county. Precinct members cast 1,101 votes for 72.29-percent voter turnout. In precinct 3-4 Harvey captured 61-percent of the 1,089 votes cast with three overvotes and nine undervotes.
Precinct 3-5 is a small area west of Blanding. Precinct members cast 17 votes for 85-percent voter turnout. In precinct 3-5 Harvey captured 100-percent of the 17 votes cast.
In nonpartisan races, Colleen E. Benally defeated Sheila Stubbs Knight to represent district three on the San Juan School Board. Benally captured 55.6-percent of the 1,095 votes cast
District three is made up of two precincts, 2-3 and 3-3.
Precinct 2-3 includes parts of Blanding, White Mesa and the Mexican Hat area. Precinct members cast 324 votes for 73.14-percent voter turnout. In precinct 2-3 Knight captured 83-percent of the 321 votes cast with three voters not selecting a candidate in the race.
Precinct 3-3 includes south of Blanding, parts of Bluff, White Rocks, and a portion of Montezuma Creek. Precinct members cast 793 votes for 70.74-percent voter turnout. In precinct 3-3 Benally captured 72-percent of the 764 votes cast with 29 undervotes.
In county-wide races, voter participation was highest in the race for state house district 69 with 5,720 votes cast in the race. Republican Incumbent Phil Lyman captured 51.03-percent of the votes cast in San Juan County over his Democratic challenger Davina Smith.
While both Lyman and Smith are San Juan County residents, District 69 includes Grand, Kane, Wayne, Garfield, and parts of Emery County. Smith won the majority votes in Grand County, while Lyman won the majority in other counties in the district to win 58.9-percent of the 18,936 votes in the district.
Voter turnout was also high in the county Sheriff race with 5,698 votes cast. Republican Lehi Lacey earned 54.2-percent of the vote over Democratic candidate Al James Whitehorse. 5,619 votes were cast in the county clerk/auditor race. Republican Lyman Duncan earned 56.5-percent of the vote over Democratic candidate Garrett Thomas Holly.
5,597 San Juan County voters cast ballots in the US House District 3 election. Republican Incumbent John Curtis earned 56.8-percent of the vote while Democrat Glenn J. Wright earned 35.7-percent of the vote. Across the whole Utah US House District Three Curtis won 64-percent of the vote while Wright earned 29-percent.
5,570 San Juan County voters cast ballots for the Utah Federal Senate race. Republican Incumbent Mike Lee earned 55.9-percent of the county vote while Independent Evan McMullin 32.5-percent of the vote. Across the state of Utah Lee won 53-percent of the vote while McMullin won 42-percent.