San Juan County

As the San Juan County Commission meeting drew to a close on Dec. 18, so did the terms of Commissioners Rebecca Benally and Phil Lyman. It was the last public meeting the two will attend together before their terms expire on Jan. 1. The two outgoing commissioners offered their final...
The San Juan County preliminary budget was discussed at a public hearing on Dec. 5 at the county building in Monticello. It was revealed that the net general fund for 2018 is currently in the red $2.355 million. This is a drastic increase over 2017 when the county’s final net total...
by Zak Podmore Only a few months have passed since Bluff’s first town council was sworn into office and already the boundaries of the newly incorporated town may be redrawn. On Oct. 24, Lyman Family Farms Inc., a privately-owned company with real estate holdings across Utah, requested...
The San Juan County Commission decided unanimously to transfer 3.88 acres of land that the Hole in the Rock Foundation owns for 2.18 acres the county owns at their Nov. 20 meeting in Monticello. The county approved the transfer despite public comment stating that many residents were...
According to the Navajo Times, commissioner-elect Willie Grayeyes has asked that his lawsuit against the state of Utah and San Juan County be dropped. The alleged decision comes on the heels of a 900-805 victory in the newly redistricted District 2 special county commissioner race...
Public comment period ended Nov. 14 on a proposed oil well 1.7 miles southeast from Looking Glass Rock on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maintained land. Residents in the Wilson Arch Resort Community are questioning the move. Many claim the BLM has thousands of other locations and...
UPDATED NOV. 14, 2018 San Juan County Clerk/Auditor John David Nielson calls in from Monument Valley to the polling station in Monticello at the courthouse. His cell phone service cuts in and out, as he attempts to give information about the Monument Valley count. His phone drops the...
San Juan County Clerk Auditor John-David Nielson calls in from Monument Valley to the polling station in Monticello at the courthouse. His cell phone service cuts in and out as he attempts to give information about the Monument Valley count. His phone drops the call. It’s 9:10 p.m. on...
An application to the Community Impact Board (CIB) will be put together for funding for two new sewer pumps for the community of Mexican Hat. The estimated cost for the new sewer pumps is $255,000, all of which is being sought in grant form from CIB. A public hearing was held on the...
There are 29 sheriffs across the great state of Utah. All of them have different situations and circumstances to deal with as they administer the law in their jurisdictions. According to Grand County Sheriff Steven White, there are none in 2018 who deserve the distinction of being named...


San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

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