Recycling coming soon to Monticello

The City of Monticello will soon offer recycling services. This spring, a Residential Recycling Questionnaire was distributed with City utility bills. Residents of Monticello responded to the questionnaire at a rate of nearly 30 percent, providing the City with enough data to assess if a recycling program could be implemented.

Seventy-four percent of questionnaire respondents indicated recycling is either Important or Very Important. Residents were asked if they would participate in a City-wide recycling program; 91 percent of respondents answered affirmatively.

After reviewing data collected through the Residential Recycling Questionnaire, the Monticello City Council directed City Administrative staff to begin a recycling program with the stipulation that it not increase residents’ utility bills or City expenses.

Based on the Council’s direction and questionnaire data, Monticello’s recycling program will initially accept five different recyclables: tin, aluminum, #1 plastic, newspaper, and clear glass.

The City is in the process of putting final touches on the recycling collection bins and completing other last minute tasks before recyclables will be accepted.

The City plans to locate recycling bins – where residents can drop off separated recyclables – at the Southeast Utah Welcome Center (216 South Main) and expects to begin accepting designated recyclables in September.

Look for more information about participating in the Monticello Recycling Program in future issues of the San Juan Record.

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday