Admire John Curtis’ effort

by Bill Boyle
I enjoyed the town-hall meeting hosted by Congressman John Curtis on February 12 in Monticello. See the story here.
About 100 local residents participated in the event, which focused on Curtis’ bill to codify the changes to Bears Ears National Monument.
I left the meeting feeling encouraged, not for the chances of the bill to pass, but encouraged by the respectful tone showed by San Juan County residents who feel so passionately about this issue.
In San Juan County, we can tackle highly emotional issues like adults!
Regardless of where you stand, it is easy to find fault with the current bill.
The process of crafting a bill that can pass through Congress just about guarantees that no one will be satisfied with all of the details of the bill.
The legislative process can be so messy. Whoever initially compared it to the process of making sausage was on the right track.
We have experienced how easy and quickly an executive action can take effect. Both President Obama and President Trump took advantage of their presidential power. However, their solutions may not last beyond the next president.
If it can pass, a legislative solution will become law and will not be subject to the whim of the executive branch.
I certainly admire Curtis’ attempt to deal with the issue head-on. He willingly stepped into a tough situation, which was made tougher by the mid-term resignation of his predecessor, Jason Chaffetz.
In the highly polarized political climate in Washington, DC, there appears to be little or no chance of support for the bill from the Democrats.
Curtis outlined a path that may lead to a solution.
I guess we will find out if Washington, DC can be like San Juan County and tackle highly emotional issues like adults.
Best of luck to Rep. Curtis!
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I hope that local business owners will join the growing San Juan Chamber of Commerce. We have chapters developing in Monticello, Blanding, La Sal and Bluff.
The plan is to develop county-wide efforts to promote business while allowing community-wide programs to flourish.
Join us as we take steps to help our business community thrive. See the ad on the facing page.

San Juan Record

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