Weekly Photo of the Week submissions Fri, 01/15/2021 - 4:51pm admin Monument Valley. Emily Garcia photo Ruin Spring Point. Haley Burton photo Morning sunrise with the moon. Jannette Frederick photo Morning sunrise. Jannette Frederick photo Indian Creek glowing. Jorma Hayes photo Karly Halls photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Kaylee Dalton photo Raplee ridge and Mexican Hat rock. Kevin Christensen photo An orange Winter's sunset at Gump Hill. LaTonna S. Cly A Monument Valley Utah winter sunrise. Latoya Holliday photo Section: Photo of the Week