Tragic accident claims life of La Sal man
by Maxine Deeter
Steve Barnett of Old La Sal lost his life one week ago in a tragic accident at the top of Blue Hill, ten miles south of Moab.
Barnett was passing a slow moving semi truck as the passing lane ended and slammed head on into a semi truck coming from the other direction. He was killed instantly.
Also in the car was his wife Pat, who was seriously injured in the crash. She was life flighted to St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction, CO, where she remains in a medically induced coma.
Her injuries, although serious, are not felt to be life threatening. Time will tell.
Funeral service will not be immediate due to Pat’s condition.
The Barnett’s have lived in La Sal for several years and have many friends here. The accident has shaken the little village of La Sal.
Several folks provided service to the family by winterizing their home. The people of La Sal will continue to rally around the family as Pat progresses.
I must apologize for being AWOL for the last few weeks. Sometimes, well, life just gets in the way of life.
In this electronic age, it is easier to keep up with happenings back home through the e-edition of the SJR, Facebook and texting friends.
I’ve been able to keep up with deaths, law enforcement shakeups, the Buckaroo matmen winning Region once again and pretty new boots for their coach.
Good luck to these guys this week at the state tourament. One thing can be said, you have the classiest dressed coach at the tournament. I bet as long as he keeps his pant legs tucked into his boots, it will bring good luck.
I see through photos texted to me from my next door neighbor Ruthie that Sierra La Sal has a lot of snow. Sure sorry to be missing that. But, I’m confident I’ll be home in time to enjoy what should be a magnificent mud season.
I miss my wide open spaces and fresh air. That seems to be missing in the northern part of the state. So, enjoy.