T minus one for Thanksgiving

If you read the weekly newspaper in digital form, then tomorrow is turkey day. If not, well, then your Thanksgiving dinner is probably already digested. And if you’re lucky, you have a fridge full of leftovers.

Hopefully everyone had a great day full of family, friends, food, a good nap, and lots of gratitude.

Soon it will be December. Looking at the local calendar of events, it’s going to be a full month of activities.

The folks at La Sal Elementary School are getting underway with preparations for the annual Holiday program. This was absent last year, as were many events, due to the pandemic, but not this year.

No date has been set yet. Two dates are being contemplated, and as soon as one is set, you can be sure I will let you know.

The music person at our little school as been on medical leave for a few weeks due to a freak horse-riding accident. And though she is still healing, she is back on duty at the school doing music and special ed. Can’t keep a good woman down for long.

The little library in a closet is hosting activities as well. Every Tuesday and Thursday after school, there is Kid’s Café until 6 p.m.

The kids do crafts and games and have refreshments that are furnished by a grant and delivered by the monthly Food Bank Truck. If you have young’uns, join in the fun.

The next Food Bank Day is December 15 from noon until 2 p.m. It’s a great bunch of volunteers that make this all possible for our community.

There is some grown-up fun slated for the second Saturday in December. That would be the 11th.

That’s the date of the inaugural Cowboy Christmas Craft Fair. This will be held at the community center starting at 9 a.m. and going to 3 p.m.

Booths are available for $20 if you have wares to sell. Proceeds from the booths will go to the coffers of the community center to mingle with the funds from the recent, very successful rummage sale.

I’m always excited about holiday craft fairs, and now we have one in downtown La Sal.

All crafts, trades and businesses are welcome.

For booth assignments or more information, contact Alyssa Wilcox at alyssawilcoxphotography@gmail.com.

Good place to do some Christmas shopping.

Speaking of Christmas shopping, Ana’s La Sal Store has some nice items for sale. These include nice, basic western shirts. You know, conservative plaids with snaps. No fancy stitching Drug Store Cowboy embellishments.

They also have nice fleece jackets. If you look around, you might find something else that just fits the bill for gift giving.

P.S. there are still a few “prairie dog fart” shirts left in case everyone on your gift list has not yet received one from you.

December 18 from 8 to 10 a.m. will be the next monthly local fire department fundraising breakfast. The last one was last Saturday.

It’s a good breakfast with all the morning foods most folks like and the price is right – it’s all by donation – whatever you wish to give.

The La Sal Literary Guild met week before last to discuss their latest read entitled “Paradox.” Yes, our Paradox – well sort of.

This one is located in southeast Utah rather than southwest Colorado and is more like Moab than the small village east of us.

I very much enjoyed the book. The ladies that night were joined tele-communicatively by the author which was a real treat. Stay tuned for the next book we’ll discuss.

If you are a regular reader of this column, you know how I feel about Christmas stuff prior to Thanksgiving, but it seems we’ve been inundated by it for the last few weeks.

Well, now Thanksgiving is past (for most readers) and we can move on to Christmas. Crank up those Christmas carols.

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
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Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday