Passing of a friend

La Sal was shocked and saddened with the passing of a dear friend, Sally Kyle, on Monday, July 19.  She had been complaining of health problems for several weeks.  She suffered a sudden, massive heart attack from which she did not recover.
Sally was a long time resident of La Sal.  For many years she worked as the clerk at the local post office.  In that capacity she knew almost everyone in La Sal and was their friend. 
She also had a pleasant personality, making folks feel she truly was their friend.  She loved animals, doing jig saw puzzles and gardening among other interests. 
She was an early and active participant in the La Sal Senior Citizen Center. She never quite lost her Wisconsin accent and was always laughing and friendly.  She will be sorely missed in our little community.
Funeral services were held in Moab at Grace Lutheran Church on Thursday morning.  Many of Sally’s La Sal friends attended to bid their final farewell.  Her ashes were to be scattered at her home in La Sal.
The rain and cool weather has been pleasant this week.  Judging by the local red necks (temporary skin conditions not reflections of political views, personalities and lifestyles), the Pioneer Day Celebration last Saturday began with some intense sun and heat. 
As is usual for this time of year, it clouded and cooled by afternoon.  There were a few sprinkles, nothing measurable. 
Now for reminders on the social scene for this week.  There is a full schedule.  Tonight (Wednesday) is the potato weeding “party” at the community patch.  I hear there is an abundance of weeds this year. 
The rows have reportedly been tilled, so bring hoes and shovels and come prepared to work.  Actually, “pulling” may be the preferred method for the evening.
Friday night at 6:30 is the free taco bar at the La Sal Library.  All the food will be furnished.  If you’ve not had the chance to experience our new, awesome library, here is a perfect opportunity to do so. 
As an extra added bonus, each person attending that night gets to request a book of their choice to be purchased and added to the permanent, local collection.  You can request a book or audio book.  Come on out and support our new library.
There will be a Pirate Party this Thursday at the Library.  It is kinda shrouded in mystery, but knowing the librarian – it is going to be lots of fun.  There will be games and crafts and I’ll bet treats! 
Kids of all ages are invited.  Kids under the age of seven years old must be accompanied by an adult.  It all gets started at 1 a.m.  First item on the agenda is story time.
Don’t think Pioneer Day celebrations are all over.  This Saturday night is the annual Pioneer Day cookout/potluck on The Mountain. 
It is in “the usual place” – the snowmobile parking lot on the Dark Canyon road.  You can’t miss it – you’ll see the Dutch oven brigade there early, preparing the spuds. For many of us, they are the high point of the meal. 
So, taters and meat (I hear it is a steak fry this year) will be furnished.  Bring a salad, desert or hot rolls to share.  It should be great fun.  I mean, it is every year, and I don’t expect things to be any different. 
There have been a few occasions when the event has had to be moved on account of rain.  Any rain in our area is always welcome.  Go ahead and rain on our party – we’ll just move it indoors and carry on.  It’s never been cancelled!
Every heard of a “Monkey’s Wedding”?  Perhaps I’ve mentioned it in this space previously.  My son, who spent time in South Africa, told us it is when it rains while the sun is shining.  It happens here every now and them.  So, if I tell you there was a “wedding” this past Sunday afternoon, that is to what I’m referring.  It was a good little shower too, and the sun just kept right on shining.
See you on The Mountain Saturday night at 6 p.m.  Bring a friend.  Bring lots of friends.  This is a “ya’ll come” event.

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday