La Sal loses a couple of grand ladies
I guess it is not to be unexpected in a village with an abundance of senior citizens, that they depart not to unexpectedly. Two weeks ago, folks in La Sal heard of the passing of Lola Mackie one of our more colorful seniors.
Lola came to La Sal over a decade ago and was very involved with the Senior Citizens group here. She had lived a very colorful life and loved to regale folks with her past adventures. Lola was in her nineties and still fairly spry. She will be missed by her friends.
Word was also received of the passing of another favorite La Sal senior, Romie. She moved to town a few years ago and was also involved in the local senior center.
She too had lived an interesting life, though she was more reserved in talking about it. A few months ago, her age and health required a move to the northern part of the state to live with family. She too is missed.
It’s been a cracking busy fall season in the village. Two weeks ago, several of our citizens came together to pull off a giant rummage sale as a fundraiser for the Community Center.
These folks are also relative newcomers to town, but it is sure great to have movers and shakers who move in and become vested in the community.
The Community Center was full of all kinds of treasure – from soup to nuts. Nothing was priced so you just gave what you felt was fair. Some folks gave far and above that.
Many thanks to you for that. Other folks just gave straight donations without carrying away any treasure. In all, the day garnered over $3,000 for the depleted coffers of our community building.
A big thanks to Tiffany, Sandy, Tony, and Debbie for all their hard work in getting this all pulled together. There were others involved as well but these folks really put in the hours.
Last Saturday was the Big La Sal Chili Cook-off. It was kind of an open house style so folks wandered in at different times to taste and judge the chili. And yes, there were two pots without beans and they are still chili.
It’s a fact that some folks just can’t accept – chili with no beans. And the winners were: Bobbi Holt for most original (chili, no beans), Danny McKee for best overall chili and Amber Beshoner’s chili was voted the hottest (and it was).
Voting was done by those attending the affair. For $5 you were entitled to all the chili you could eat. Everyone who paid got a voting ballot. There was a plethora of side dishes and garnishes – corn bread, cheese, sour cream etc.
In keeping with La Sal’s motto, if you went home hungry, you really had to work at it.
This was another fundraiser for the local volunteer fire department and according to reports, folks were again generous in their offerings.
For the near future, the fire folks will be holding a monthly breakfast fundraiser. In November and December it will be the third Saturday of the month.
There’s no question about it, folks not only come to eat but also to just visit with friends old and new. We do get people from Paradox and Moab attending some of our functions.
Don’t look now ’cause you might get scared, but it’s La Sal’s favorite holiday – Halloween. The coven of La Sal Elementary PTO moms has convened and declared that Friday, October 29 will be the celebration of Halloween this year. As with most events, this was cancelled last year due to the pandemic but it’s on again for this year.
Things start off at 5:30 at the Community Center with the ever-popular Halloween Carnival. There will be lots of fun booths (which are mostly sponsored by local business and some citizens).
There will also be lots of food to win or purchase. This will go until 8 p.m. I’m sure one of the fun events will be a costume contest.
Back by popular demand is the spook alley which will be in the house next door to the Community Center. That goes from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Also, at 7:30 will be the old folks’ favorite (maybe I’m just speaking for myself) Trunk or Treat which will be in the parking lot of the school. So it’s a full slate of events for Halloween La Sal fashion this year. Guess we’re making up for missing it last year.
On a sad note, we will miss Victor Lovato this year. He liked to dress up and just silently wander around the carnival as folks whispered, “Who is that masked man?”