A centurion among us
Several decades ago, the Kyle family moved to La Sal. In all the years they lived here, they were active in community affairs and an integral part of our village.
In the ensuing years, two of them have passed to their eternal reward. Two, Merlene and her daughter Sue, have moved to Moab into retirement housing. That has not kept them from continuing to be frequent visitors to La Sal and even being involved in some civic activities.
Both hang out almost weekly with that feisty honky tonkin’ group at the La Sal Senior Citizens Center where they still have many friends. They also can be seen trundling around our other community happenings on occasion.
Merlene has reached a major milestone, one that most of us will never see: She celebrates her one hundredth birthday this month. And, she is still just as sharp of mind and motivates around under her own power.
Many of her friends will join her in town (Moab) on Saturday, January 29 to celebrate this event. We wish Merlene a very happy birthday and hope she has many more.
You Never Miss the Water ’Til the Well Runs Dry.
In this case, you don’t know how much you depend on Ana’s La Sal Store until it is closed when you need something and expect it to be open.
’Tis the season – the sick season. Seems both Ana and hubby and co-proprietor Hal have been down with the gamboozie of some sort last week so the store has been closed until they recover. That’s what happens when you are a sole proprietor (in this case dually so) and there is no one else to keep open the shop while the operators languish in illness. Speedy recovery you two. It’s no fun to be sick
Move Over Rover.
Yes someone merits a tour in the doghouse for the front page of last week’s SJR. That would be my ever-loving spouse. I’ve always accused him of being a yakker and even a blabbermouth. If you spend a few minutes with him, you’ll know everything there is to know about him and me and everyone else, but this is taking it to an extreme.
Unfortunately, we are not dog people, ergo, we have no doghouse. I love my kitty cats, but when I threatened to send him to the cat house, he got this silly grin on his face which I had to slap off. “Not that kind of cat house,” says I.
I have a dear friend from a former life who was possessed by a dog named Turbo (maybe I should have just said he was possessed and let it go at that). Anyway, I know Turbo has gone to his reward and I don’t know if my friend even has a dog now.
But, he still could have a doghouse around somewhere. Oh, but the problem is that if I tried to shove my hubby in there, I fear we would find it already occupied by a goateed, bespectacled idjit. Oh, what to do?
Okay, I would be totally ungrateful to friends, neighbors, and family if I did not express my great appreciation for this very surprising – and in my mind totally undeserving – award. Thank you all so much. It’s nice to know I really do have good friends. That includes several idjits whom I love dearly.