Devin Thorpe
Candidate for Congress
Devin Thorpe was born in Provo to descendants of Utah pioneers and has lived in Utah for 45 of his 55 years. After completing a degree in finance at the University of Utah, he earned an MBA from Cornell University.
Devin believes strongly that we need bold solutions to the challenges brought on and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including gaps in our healthcare system as well as our social safety net. He is running to represent the people of Utah’s Third District to bring innovative, bipartisan solutions to reverse climate change, including actions to provide for a just transition for coal communities. Devin is fighting to get dark money out of politics and has vowed never to accept corporate PAC donations.
For nearly a decade, Devin has worked to eradicate extreme poverty, improve global health, and reverse climate change. A bestselling author, speaker and new-media journalist, Devin is known as a champion of social good. As a Forbes contributor, with over 500 bylines and over two million unique readers, he has become a recognized name in the social impact arena. His books—read over one million times—provide roadmaps on how to use money for good. He has served as a member of Rotary International since 2012 and is guided by its motto: Service Above Self.
Devin believes that everyone deserves access to quality, affordable healthcare. While we have some of the best doctors and facilities in the world, our healthcare system is sick: insurance is too expensive or covers too little. Americans should not continue to die or go bankrupt simply because they cannot afford decent medical care. We have to come together to create a solution that will help ensure a bright, healthy future for generations to come.
Poverty affects far too many in this district. Devin will help restore the dignity of work, by ensuring that workers are safe and earn a fair wage. We can’t expect people to work if having a full-time job leaves them in abject poverty. America’s economy is suffering more than ever and a rapid recovery requires bold solutions focused on people not big corporations.
Climate change represents one of the greatest threats to this generation of Americans. It is also the biggest opportunity. In this decade, we will make massive, profitable investments in renewable energy, clean technology and transportation. This will drive financial returns for entrepreneurs, create high-paying jobs for Utahns and improve air and water quality for all of us. Devin will work with members of both parties to accelerate a just transition to a green future.
Today, Devin channels the idealism of his youth, volunteering whenever and wherever he can, with the loving support of his wife, Gail. Their son, educated in Utah’s public schools, Dr. Dayton Thorpe, lives in California.