Monticello City Manager resigns
The City of Monticello is looking for a new city manager after Ty Bailey announced he is leaving the community. Bailey, who has served as Monticello City Manager since January, 2015, accepted a position as the new city manager in Morgan, UT.
Monticello Mayor Tim Young said that he is very sad that Bailey is leaving.
Young said Bailey has done a great job organizing the work of the city employees and giving them more responsibility. In addition, Young mentioned Bailey has been very helpful in budgetary processes and helped clarify policy and procedures.
It is anticipated that Bailey will work through June to close the fiscal year before beginning his new position.
Mayor Young said he hopes Bailey can sit in on the interview process for the new city manager.
The change will be part of possible significant changes in Monticello city government. The filing period opens on June 1 for two positions on Monticello City Council, in addition to the mayor position.
City Council positions currently held by Steve Duke and George Rice are on the November ballot.