Monticello city discusses rezoning, capital list, and swimming pool boiler
by David Boyle
New Director
Members of the Monticello city council talked about rezoning, approved the city manager contract, and got an update on their capital asset list at their January 10 meeting.
Members of the city council spent most of their latest meeting discussing proposed and potential zone changes in the city with members of the planning commission.
Ultimately the council voted to have a public hearing for the rezoning of 100 west from Uranium Drive to 100 North.
Council member Kim Henderson thought it important to address the area so close to the commercial zone on Main street and potentially zone the area as residential R2 to encourage multi-family housing in the area.
Members of the council discussed other ideas for the area as well as other places in the city to look at rezoning. The council tentatively scheduled the rezoning hearing for February 28.
At the meeting the city council adopted two additional holidays for city employees totaling 13 on the year. Previously city employees had exchanged the federal Columbus day for a holiday the day after Thanksgiving. At their latest meeting council approved Columbus day as well as a holiday the day after Thanksgiving and adopted Juneteenth as a city holiday.
Members of the commission also approved the city manager contract with recently appointed city manager Kaeden Kulow.
City council also approved of a bid from Red Mechanical to install the city pool boiler. The bid came in at $3,800 well below another bid at $7,500.
Members of the city council also reviewed a revised budget for the current financial year. The council also received an update on the capital assets and general maintenance list.
Projects underway on the list include the $350,000 purchase of a new garbage truck. The city is waiting for its arrival to Salt Lake City. The city also moved forward on an $11,000 purchase for a new meter reader for the city.
Thirteen items remain on the city list ranked by urgency. At the top of the list at this time is replacing the leaking roof at the visitor center and plumbing work needed at the Hideout Club House.
City council also discussed the need to make the city pickleball courts accessible beyond the swim season. City council instructed the item be addressed at a future meeting.
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