Summer is winding down 

We are in the midst of the County Fair, which means that summer is winding to a close, at least for those whose schedule is regulated by the school year.

The fair always comes just before the start of school, but who knows what this school year will bring?

“May you live in interesting times.” That has surely been the case the last six months. 

The regular calendar however shows that we are really only half way through the summer season. Temperatures of late seem to confirm that it is still summer – and then some. 

The last Tuesday morning kids story hour at our little library in a closet will end on August 11. That’s another indication that summer activities are at an end.

The story hour will then switch to Saturday mornings. The official story reader is the extraordinary Miss Lucy Badger.

If you’ve got kiddos at your house, check out story hour at the local library. 

The library also has a large, new collection of DVDs, which was recently donated by a local family. With all the reruns on TV due to the “virus,” it might be a good time to find a  family movie or two to enjoy. 

Another casualty of the virus (and there are many) was the cancellation of the Spring play at Monticello High School. It was to be Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, which is a particular favorite of mine.

I not only enjoy the 1950s movie but saw an excellent stage production at the Hale Theater a couple of years ago. The play may not go on, but many of the cast members will be performing numbers at the San Juan County Fair on Thursday night.

That will include Macy Badger, who had one of the leads in the play. It should be a great night of entertainment. 

After five months, the congregation at the Latter-day Saint Church held sacrament meeting last Sunday. It was so great to see dear friends and neighbors not seen in many weeks. It was a little eerie, though, with everyone “masked.” Better to be safe. 

The contractor for Emery Telcom has been busy the last few weeks installing the new fiber cable, which will deliver a gig of data to local folks. I for one am excited for this to be finalized, though I know that we are still some weeks away from homes being connected.

Main lines have been both buried and strung from existing power poles. The last few weeks the contractor has been stubbing lines to the property boundaries of local residents.

It is a very noisy process, by the way. Lots of big equipment utilized for the installation. 

Coming down my road, they encountered a mechanical malfunction. One of the big machines threw a track and the guys working it had a devil of a time getting it back in place. Very frustrating at the end of the day.

They came to my yard to ask if it was okay to leave the machine blocking my driveway. Well, we have two, so, yes, it was okay. However, despite their frustration, I did ask that they watch their language.  

I’m not sure how swearing and cussing helps the process, though I’ll admit to being a cusser on occasion myself. Maybe a little more than just on occasion.  “@#$% that hurt!”

They agreed to watch their language. In fact, as they were leaving for the night, four of the workers came to my yard and personally apologized to me for their language. I was very impressed.

They are, after all, the face of Emery Telcom even if they are just contractors.

And next morning, the track went back on the machine. You know how it is, things always look and work better come morning. 

Emery Telcom is replacing Frontier as the local contractor for the school and community center.

For those who know me by sight, you know the current color of my hair. It is silver (not gray!!).

I’ll tell you a secret. It was not this color prior to my working at the BLM to authorize the Frontier fiber line from La Sal Junction to Blanding.

The project was delayed for nearly six months. I really think the Frontier guy heading up the project lost his job over the delay.

Their contract archaeologist went over the edge after this project – literally. It was sad.

The cause – I’ll admit now that I’m retired and can speak my mind without a come hither from the BLM Field Office Manager – it was one person in the BLM who held up the project.

Turned my hair gray – I mean silver. (Well, maybe that’s a little exaggeration, not that I ever embellish things.)

Anyway, welcome to La Sal Emery Telcom. I can hardly wait for the gig of speed.

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday