Dumbfounded at AG Office
by Bill Boyle
I am still shaking my head at Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes. This week, he finally read the writing on the wall and withdrew his appeal of Judge George Harmond’s dismissal of charges against Sheriff Rick Eldredge and two deputies.
Judge Harmond dismissed the charges after an August 25 preliminary hearing exposed glaring weaknesses in the case.
Charges against the top three officers in San Juan County were extremely serious and set up a scenario of either corruption in the Sheriff’s office or incompetence by the prosecutor.
Harmond’s ruling clearly signaled that the problem is with the prosecutor. However, instead of just moving ahead, Reyes filed an appeal in December.
Even as he withdrew the appeal on January 22, Reyes was unwavering, stating he was “confident we would prevail on appeal” and claiming “clear legal errors in the trial court opinion. If the law was properly applied, there is no question this case would be bound over for trial.”
County Commissioners released a blistering statement about the issue after the press deadline.