Alumni group plans Monticello Buckaroo Roundup for Pioneer Day

Graduates of Monticello High School are planning to gather over the Pioneer Day celebration for a Buckaroo Alumni Roundup. A series of events are planned by the Buckaroo Alumni Association on Friday, July 22 and Saturday, July 23, including an evening program, a memorial service at the cemetery, an alumni booth at the park, and a catered meal at the Blue Mountain Guest Ranch.
A class roster is taking shape, with a representative from each graduating class driving the process. “We are trying to find everyone who attended Monticello High School,” said Clayson Lyman, who serves as the alumni association president.
Information includes mailing addresses, email, and telephone numbers. The group plans to introduce a Facebook page to help drive the registration effort.
The alumni association seeks members to pay a $20 fee to join the group. An additional $25 will provide admission to the Roundup on July 22 and 23.
The tentative schedule includes a program at Monticello High School on Friday evening at 7 p.m.
A memorial service at the Monticello Cemetery will take place Saturday morning. The Association plans a float for the Pioneer Day parade, followed by a membership booth at the Veterans Memorial Pak. The catered meal and Buckaroo Blowout is scheduled to begin Saturday afternoon at the Blue Mountain Guest Ranch.
In addition, the group is seeking ten alumni to serve on the board of directors of the alumni association. The board will include a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian, and representatives for each ten to fifteen year period.
For more information, contact Clayson Lyman at 801-221-7789 or email

San Juan Record

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