October fun for Monticello-area Senior Citizens

October’s Refrain

Guess it’s time

to write a poem

Good thing I opted

to stay home.

I’ve been out looking

for arrow points

With others

who have creaky joints.

And though the finding

has been few

We still think

it’s great fun to do.

There’s no fool

like an old fool.

Is something that

I learned in school.

But never thought

I’d see the day

When that about myself

I’d say.

We have had

some gorgeous weather

So it’s not been

wasted altogether.

To be able to get out

and walk about

Is something that makes me want to shout,

“Beautiful October days,

I wish that you could stay always.”

Brightening our lunches, this month’s jokesters included Bud Corbin, Scottie Warren, Shirley Steffen and Martha Garner. Martha’s delivery of the emergency flashers joke was well done.

At our first bingo on the 11th, Stuart Gorrie’s good luck pats to Ann Beeson worked wonders, as she won almost every game. Maybe a kiss next time and she’ll be unbeatable! Our thanks to Ann for donating the huge huggy bear for a grand prize. Pearl Lewis chose that critter when she won blackout. Pearl said her 102 great grandchildren will have this extra incentive to visit her. Also attending the fun time were Polly Langston, Phylis Keith, Pat Wakely, Cindy Sallee, Veronica Montano, Irene Randolph and Barbara.

We extend Big Thanks! to our local pharmacist, Tim Young, for donating so many wonderful bingo prizes. His Monticello San Juan Pharmacy gifted us royally. We appreciate your generosity, Tim, thanks again!

During our second bingo on the 25th, everyone won prizes and took home baby Halloween Boo Bears as a treat. Competitive players included Wanda Mae Pherson, Pearl, Veronica, Barbara, Ann, Cindy, Martha, Phylis and Vernon and Alice Warren. We had a rare three-way tie for blackout between Ann, Martha and Wanda.

This month we have been serenaded before and after every lunch by Ray Jarvis at the piano. He is broadening his repertoire with original pieces and golden oldies. We enjoy the easy listening music.

Marilyn and Doyle Rowley had a very nice week in Santa Fe touring the museums and art exhibits with their daughter, Celia Baker. They are glad to be home again. Also returning from several weeks of visiting her children in Idaho and Utah is Maxine Frost. Everyone came home with pleasant memories.

Phylis Keith drove nine of us to Cortez on the 5th. Enjoying the trip were Veronica, Alice, Irene, Cosmo, Ann, Barbara and Len and Scottie Warren. At the end of our day, everyone was happy.

On the next evening, the 6th, we had a joint picnic with the Blanding seniors at Devil’s Canyon campground. My! How that place has changed! Hard to find a group picnic spot. Everyone enjoyed potluck with mounds of fried chicken, Sioux City sarsaparilla, and all the picnic accompaniments, we had a good time.

Twenty of us savored potluck goodies on the 28th for our 4th Friday social. It was a low key affair as the day before JJ Steffen suffered a broken leg in his backyard. We’re happy to report he has returned from his stay in the Durango hospital and is now recuperating in our local San Juan Hospital.

Shirley gave his latest progress report as exceptional: he’s mending fast. We hope to see him soon with us and on his daily Main Street walks to his “buddy breaks.”

We send our sympathies to Martha on the loss of her brother-in-law, Pieter Haller. Such an unexpected tragedy for his family and friends.

We also noted Candace Weed’s passing. She ran Weed’s café and boutique where the Peace Tree café is now. We remember her mother, Joan, when she lived with Candace and joined in our activities and shared her artistic talents with us.

I’d like to wish Danny and Rita Walker goodbye and the best in their new home in the Salt Lake City area. They were here many years. Rita was executive secretary at the hospital and then at the city office. Her Elvis memorabilia collection was extensive.

Danny ran his pilot car business for many years. I fondly remember his mother, Lillian Burch, when she was the red-headed anesthetist at the hospital before moving to Alaska to help her husband, Tony, run in the Iditarod dog races.

It was good to have Robyn Lyman with us again as he visited his mother Maxine Himmelberger. Lee Wilkin’s daughter, Linda of Idaho Falls, also visited with us.

John and Maxine Himmelberger celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary this month. Mary Lou and Keith Hoggard were also celebrating. We wish them all many more happy days together.

Birthday folks celebrating in September included Phylis Keith, Bob Barry, Jimmie Hess, Irene Randolph, Bernice Barry, Tom Black, Leo Archuleta, Lou Redd, and Marvin Richardson.

Because I’m so late with September’s doin’s, I’d better note a few of our October doin’s that are done or comin’ up.

Greg Martin, assistant city manager, visited with us at the first Thursday lunch to review items in the latest city newsletter. He also took our comments and questions. Thanks for keeping us informed, Greg!

The Wabi Sabi yard sale was well done even during the bitter cold days. It was good to meet these folks who work to benefit so many nonprofit organizations. It was nice to see our own Kimberly DeGraw. It’s fun to know I’m still “Carter’s Mom.” Our thanks to Ann Beeson for donating a full day of time to help out with the Saturday sale. Wabi Sabi donated $150 towards our senior group. We thank them and hope they can return for another sale when we’ll include a seniors bake sale.

We welcome candidates for Monticello city offices to come visit us. We like to get acquainted with you and your agenda. Thanks to Jerry Ward, for coming and sharing his ideas for city council. Other candidates should check with Stuart or Martha before they come so they can be scheduled.

Flu shots will be given at the senior center tomorrow, Thursday, October 25 beginning at 9:30 until 1:30 p.m. Some Insurance cards will be accepted including Medicare Part B. Please bring your cards, otherwise, the cost is $25 per shot. Any questions, call 435-587-2401.

Everyone is invited to the Halloween party on Friday night, October 26 at 5 p.m. There will be prizes for costumes. This is our 4th Friday social so bring your favorite potluck dish.

All seniors are invited to the National Honor Society dinner and entertainment program at the High School, 5 p.m. on November 1. Pre-registration is required so call Martha to make your reservations for a fun evening. This is free to the seniors as the high school group does this for us as a service project every year.

The State Deptartment of Aging and Adult Services and the San Juan County Area Aging Services sponsors a senior citizen town meeting on Saturday, November 10 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Senior Center for adults 60 years and older to discuss Medicare gov workstations, prescription drug plans, Medicare fraud, financial planning, preventative health, and senior legal issues. Call 435-587-2401 if you need transportation.

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

Phone: 435.587.2277
Fax: 435.587.3377
Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday