Monticello City faces request for waterline

by Bill Boyle
San Juan Record Editor
The Monticello City Council will consider a request from Dale Brown Trucking to purchase city water for use outside city limits. Details were discussed at the August 8 meeting of the city council.
Dale Brown Trucking is currently constructing a freight/commercial transport facility on the east edge of Monticello, across Highway 491 from the Port of Entry.
The facility will be located outside of current city limits and is within the expansion area for future annexation.
City staff reported that Brown has expressed an interest in future annexation into the city.
The council was initially set to consider a variance request for the water use, but determined that a variance was not required.
The Council did not move ahead with the approval at the meeting since a variance request was the action item on the agenda.
As a result, the item will be considered at a future meeting. Council members even discussed calling a special meeting to address the issue if the next regularly scheduled city council meeting on August 22 is too late.
Members of the council signaled an intent to approve the request, stating that the economic benefit of a new business will be positive for the entire community.
Councilman George Rice reports that the proposed water line extension is at the bottom of the city distribution lines and use by Dale Brown Trucking will improve the quality of the city water system.
In other business at the August 8 meeting, the council considered an application form and fees for Conditional Use Permits (CUP). A CUP is necessary if a city resident requests a variance from city zoning requirements.
City manager Kaeden Kulow said three individuals are currently interested in a CUP, including a proposed greenhouse in an R2 zone, and a resident who seeks permission to live in a camper on private property.
Kulow recommended a $150 fee to request a CUP. He stated that the fee covers the administrative time and effort to address the request.
Kulow checked with other communities and said the CUP fees generally range from $136 to $200. He added that the fee in some cities is up to $1,500.
The application form and a $150 fee was approved unanimously by the council.
In general conversation, the council discussed a range of matters, including a concern that several unused commercial properties are not being maintained very well.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 22.

San Juan Record

49 South Main St
PO Box 879
Monticello, UT 84535

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