Comfort during isolation
Day 10, or is it 11? 12? I have lost count, of quarantine.
Once again I’ve been asked to share a homemade meal I posted on Facebook. With my husband being an “essential” employee, we worry daily if he will become infected.
So I am sorry. As much as I want to say “yes” to sharing, I do not know how I would handle the guilt if someone became ill due to being kind.
This is what life has come down to during the COVID-19 crisis. Will the virus infiltrate our bodies? When will it be safe to go to a store or restaurant without worrying? Will the situation worsen to the point of having the military close off highways and enforce nightly curfews?
My husband and I post funny videos on Facebook and make up funny memes. Laughter will lighten the mood and chase the tendrils of fear from lodging in the brain…we hope.
I encourage folks to watch my food vlogs on Youtube, few as they are. I am a character; you will laugh while learning to cook and/or bake.
There are many articles being written about the virus, some with updated and factual information. Some seem to be taken from a science fiction novel, and we wonder when the zombie apocalypse will be announced.
Health, state, and other governmental agencies seem to have the best information. Your cousin, coworker, and neighbor down the street? Not so much.
Don’t heed the rumors too much, especially when they seem to wallow in fear. I’m sure you’ve heard this many times, so off the soap box I descend.
Now to some comfort cooking that can easily be made at home; a savory soup for lunch or dinner.
This recipe almost became a product of the Progresso company, but it contained two too many ingredients so it didn’t make the cut.
You can’t win ’em all but you never know if you don’t try, right?
The meatballs are a mixture of beef and turkey; the turkey actually gives a more tender texture to them.
An all-beef meatball has been tried but seemed to be a bit too firm when matched with the tender vegetables.
We have found that no other side is actually needed with this soup – no crusty bread or simple side salad; it’s an all-in-one meal.
Once again, with bored children at home and you bored to insanity yourselves, you’ll want to be creative.
Write poetry or short stories, paint, draw, or sketch pictures – stick figures count!
When it comes to meals though, become a master chef or baker, even if it’s only in your own mind.
Children can be your sous chef; and who knows? One day they may even graduate from a culinary institute like the C.I.A.!
Never say never. Chin up, especially when stirring the soup. Yes, do not put your face into the pot, especially when the liquid is bubbling.
Meatball Soup
2 Tbsp. olive oil; 3 medium onions, diced; 6 cups beef broth; 1½ cups cold water; 4 medium potatoes, cut into half inch pieces; 1 (8 oz.) bag of baby carrots, cut in halves; 2 lbs. lean ground beef; 1 lb. ground turkey; 1 tsp. each dried savory (or sage if you cannot find savory), garlic powder, onion powder; 1½ cups plain bread crumbs (dried, fine ground variety); 3 eggs, beaten; Grated cheese
Heat oil, on high, in a 6 quart stock pot. Sauté onions until tender, about three minutes.
Add beef broth and water; bring to a boil. Lower heat to medium; add in potatoes and carrots.
Preheat oven to 350F. In a large bowl, combine beef, turkey, seasoning, bread crumbs and eggs. Mix together thoroughly. Form meatballs of about a 1 inch diameter. Makes about 60 meatballs.
Place meatballs on baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes, just to brown the meat, not cook all the way through.
Dab each meatball on a paper towel to remove excess grease before putting into the stock pot. Cook for 30-40 minutes or until the vegetables are very tender.
When serving, sprinkle grated cheese on top of soup.
Makes 8-10 servings.