Blue Mountain Hospital appoints new CEO

The Blue Mountain Hospital (BMH) Board of Directors met on January 28, 2014, and appointed Jeremy Lyman as the new CEO for the organization. Donna Singer, the previous CEO, had been indicating for some time that she was considering retirement. She also indicated to the Board, that when the time came for her to retire, she would recommend Lyman as her replacement.
Singer has served the San Juan County healthcare community for decades. She was the driving force behind Utah Navajo Health System, Inc. (UNHS), and has served as its CEO since inception. She served as BMH CEO for the past three and a half years. Her vision and leadership were instrumental in the success of both organizations.
Lyman was hired in 2010, and has served as CFO for the past two years. When asked about the new assignment, Lyman stated: “I’m excited about the hospital’s future. We are very grateful to Donna, her hard work, her dedication, and her leadership. We hope to continue what she started and to continue to provide quality healthcare to the people of San Juan County.”

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